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Wax Info

The wax we use in all of our melts is Problend 650, a paraffin/soy blend. The blend consists of 52% soy and 49% paraffin wax. (

Wax melt 3 Oz. Clamshell

3 Oz. Clamshell

The 3 Oz. clamshell is what you typically see when you think of wax melts. 6 breakable squares with an amazing scent.


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1.75 Oz. Snap Bar

1.75 Oz. Snap Bars are poured into a mold then cooled, removed and packaged into a baggy.


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Care Instructions

Store wax melts in a cool place. Try to keep melts out of direct sunlight as this can soften the wax and dull the color overtime if not in use.


To help prevent the case of a fire we recommend using an electric warmer and not a tealight warmer. Electric warmers tend to heat the wax up hotter and give a better scent throw because of it. Follow directions of your warmer. Remove melts from packaging before use. Do not leave warmer unattended while in use. We recommend using melter for 2-3 hours at a time as fragrance will burn out of the wax overtime. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not add water. Do not melt on stove top. Use only in ventilated areas. Discontinue use if melter contains less in 1/2 inch of wax


Our melts have been tested and ensured to deliver a strong scent throw. Each scent is tested before being put for sale. We ensure each of our melts have 1 week cure time after being poured to ensure fragrance has a strong bind to the wax.

Return Policy

We do not offer returns. As the wax melts can still be used if they are damaged during shipping we see no reason for it. We can guarantee your melts and in perfect shape when we send them off, but what happens afterwards is out of our hands. Damaged melts can still be used and will have the same effect as others.

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